Olivia Forrester
9613 Miranda Drive
Raleigh, NC 27617

I’m a woman and I was born September 19, 2007.
About me: I like skateboarding, writing, crafting, and shopping.
Kind of pen pal I am looking for: a snail mail pal.
Languages I can read/write: English.
Amber Carter
715 Parkertown Road
Hubert, NC 28539

I’m a woman and I was born September 7, 1989.
Kind of pen pal I am looking for:
Languages I can read/write: English.
6303 Shady Glen Trail
Hillsborough, NC 27278

I’m a woman and I was born December 3, 2008.
About me: I’m a type of person who loves to draw/ paint. I also love to read and play piano. I also have epilepsy, and anxiety. I love to spend time with my pets and friends. I really also like listening to music
Kind of pen pal I am looking for: Anyone really!
Languages I can read: English
Languages I’d like to write in: English ( A little French)
Aleah McPhatter
PO Box 347
Brunswick, NC 28424

I’m a woman and I was born November 20, 1999.
About me:
I’m 20 years old looking for female penpals only, aged 18+ I’m married and a dog mom. Also a new home owner. I’m Christian and won’t refrain from talking about it- but I don’t demand anyone I write to have the same beliefs. I respect your right to have different beliefs and views.
My interests and hobbies include-
Vintage anything, kawaii anything, home design, farmhouse decor, Etsy, helping others, travel, the mountains, winter, animals, healthy foods, arts&crafts, paper crafting, hiking, collections, post-crossing, mental illness awareness, and cartoons.
Dislikes- most insects, the beach, summer, tiktok, politics, animal cruelty, rude people, excessive cursing and anything bad for you!!
Feel free to write!
Kind of pen pal I am looking for: I’d prefer we have more than one thing in common. 18+, respectful of my beliefs and relationship, no flirting- females only. I do enjoy paper crafting and getting creative with my letters (sending handmade crafts like flipbooks, junk journals etc,.) so if you also enjoy that we’d be a great fit. I love longer letters 2+ pages please! I’m not huge on politics, if you like Biden- good for you, trump? Good for you. I’m not the type of person to hyperventilate if you have a different opinion or viewpoint. I personally don’t hold a strong opinion on anything political as mainly everything disappoints me and all I can really do is pray and hope for the best. I am a Christian but if you’re not that’s fine- but if you plan on disrespecting my religion/ trying to change it or flat out ignoring it then we won’t be a good fit. Thanks!
Languages I can read/write: English.
Mark Chandler
137 Lakeside Park Road
Franklinville, NC 27248

I’m a man and I was born April 27, 1989.
Kind of pen pal I am looking for: Any
Languages I can read/write: English.
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